Your Inquirer Profoundly

Your Inquirer Profoundly offers scathing commentary and raw insight about the social, political and cultural developments of our time.

Archive for the ‘Notice to Inquirers’ Category

Welcome Inquirers

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Because the flicker of the flame seldom casts enough light for the eyes to see into the depths of the abyss, I hope to use this blog space to illuminate the depths into which we gaze. Your Inquirer Profoundly will pose questions about the social, cultural and political developments of our times. Some posts will investigate these questions while others will serve as space for commentary. I hope to include you, my inquirers, in the discourse that unfolds. Respond to Inquire is your chance to contibute your thoughts, ideas and sentiments to our blog space. Feel free to tear with force the stiches of the social straight-jacket and comment as you feel on the posts before you. If words are actions our dialogue is a collective action. Together we inquire!

Your Inquirer Profoundly,

Written by yourinquirerprofoundly

September 22, 2012 at 12:30 am